Parent Information:

Parents & Families: We are honored to support and partner with you and the community of faith in sharing the Catholic Faith! You are the greatest role model your youth look to for life-long faith formation.

During the first few weeks: We invite you to walk your youth to his/her room, meet the leader and pray for your youth and her/his growth in faith.

Absences: Being present and making faith development a priority is a key component to life-long growth in the Catholic Faith.

Please call the office at 515-964-3038 to report an absence. Aside from sharing the love of Christ, the health and safety of your family is also our concern.

Safety: Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Parish takes the safety of our children very seriously. We participate in the Diocesan-wide Virtus – Protecting God’s Children program. All Catechists, Sstaff Members, and Volunteers who have contact with youth under age 18 are required to participate in and complete certification in this special training.

To learn more about the Virtus – Protecting God’s Children program and the Diocesan guidelines, please click on the link below.

An Overview: Each grade level offers learning about the Blessed Trinity, Liturgy, the Liturgical year with special offerings during Advent and Lent.

The following are the specifics of each grade level:


Pre-Kindergarten: (Students must be 3 years old by Sept 22 of the current school year) Emphasizes how God cares for us so much that he has given us many gifts including Jesus! Students learn how to use prayer and their actions to thank God. Students also learn about the parish as their faith community and how we celebrate our faith through sacraments and Mass.

We invite you to walk your youth to his/her room, meet the leader and pray for your youth and her/his growth in faith.


Focus is on the liturgical year and major celebrations in the church including diving more into the sacraments and Mass. The curriculum introduces children to the Trinity and fosters a relationship with God. Specifically, children are taught that Jesus is a friend, God a loving Father, and the Holy Spirit our divine helper. Students are also introduced to liturgical celebrations, the sacraments, and the communion of saints.

Grade 1

Grade 1: The curriculum focuses on God’s love for us shown through creation and the life and ministry of Jesus. “Blest Are We” is the series used along with appropriate children’s books to enhance the lesson, DVD’s, and music. A special invitation is extended to family for presentation of Christmas plays in December during class time. Also particular to first grade are Presentation of Gifts at weekend Liturgies in January and a book recycling unit in response to lessons.

Grade 2

Grade 2: Preparation for the celebrations of first Reconciliation and First Communion is the focus of second grade. Emphasis is placed upon the meaning of the sacraments, the relationship between Baptism and Eucharist, the need to live a peaceful life through God’s love and forgiveness, the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and a study of the Mass. Three offerings of Eucharistic Afternoon/Sacred Space Tours help second graders and parents learn about the Eucharist and our church and assists the parents on their child’s journey to the Table of the Lord. "Blest Are We" is the series used.

For specific information on First Reconciliation and First Communion look under the "First Communion" tab.

Grade 3

Grade 3: The curriculum focuses on the Catholic Church, with specific lessons devoted to studying the Marks of the Church (One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic). In response to being apostolic, the students participate in a Hospitality Project at a weekend Mass where they serve as hospitality ministers and serve refreshments and/or coffee and donuts after the Mass. Also, formation of conscience lessons emphasizes the need to follow the spirit of the Commandments and the example and standards Jesus set. “Blest Are We” is the curriculum series used at this grade level.

Grade 4

Grade 4: Learning the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments as guides for living a Christian life is the goal of the fourth grade year. The sacrament of Reconciliation is studied in depth and concludes with a Reconciliation Workshop/Pizza dinner for parents and students. “Blest Are We” is a new series employed this year.

Grade 5

Grade Five: Offers a deeper learning of the Mass, highlighted with parents and students attending a “Teaching Mass” in November. The rituals and beliefs of Catholicism are woven throughout the whole year. “Blest Are We” is the curriculum series used.