About OLIH — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

About OLIH

Welcome to OLIH!

As a church community, we offer lots of services to our members in addition to our weekly worship. If you have moved into the area, we invite you to become a member. Feel free to call the parish office at 964-3038 or e-mail us at if you would like to join, or have questions about our parish. Check out our website, to see all the different ways to be involved.

To help keep you connected, sign up for our email Updates, ‘like’ us on Facebook and then download the Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart application. To help keep you strong in your faith, sign up for Formed.org—the parish has your membership covered—use Y6NDPT to check in.

We are family. Welcome Home!

You Like us! You Really Like Us!

Want to know what's going on? Check out our  Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Facebook page and then “LIKE” us to stay up-to-date on all things OLIH!

Have you stopped to see the Library in Mary's Place?

2017 Mary's Place.jpg

We encourage you to spend time at Mary’s Place (across from the office). This space has been set aside for Adult Faith Formation and includes a Library where you can check out books and dvds to help you in your spiritual journey. Browse through the shelves while the kids are in school or you just want to get out of the house! You can even surf  the web—we have wifi and you can get on ‘OLIH Guest’ with the password ‘ladiesheart’. To find out what’s going on around OLIH, sign up for our app, like us on Facebook, wander around this website, and/or sign up for our weekly Updates.

Don’t Miss Out

If you are not receiving our Updates, please check your SPAM folder or contact your service provider and let them know that 'olih.org' and 'constantcontact.com' are ‘safe senders’. We especially have difficulty being accepted by MediaCom (mchsi.com) so you may want to create a gmail account (it’s free!) to insure you receive our Updates, Emergency cancellations, funeral info, class news,etc. Also, be aware that if you ’unsubscribe’ from a list (Parish Community, CEW, FF Class, Ministry List, etc) you unsubscribe from all lists. If you wish to just be taken off one list, call the office, 964-3038 and we will take care of that for you.