Catechist/Volunteer — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart


Catechist/Support Staff Information & Training Page:

Thank you for supporting and partnering with the families of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

  • In-person orientations for all catechist and support volunteer positions every fall as we near our faith formation year start date.

  • Safe Environment Training - requirements below.

  • Catechist/Volunteer Handbook

If you have any questions about any of the information or training below, please contact the Faith Formation Team member you are volunteering to support. Again, thank you and may God return a multitude of blessings to you in the coming year. Tom, Abby, Jackie, Mary, & Randy



Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart takes the safety of our youth very seriously. We comply with the Des Moines Diocese Safe Environment – Protecting God’s Children protocols.  All catechists, staff members, and volunteers who work closely with children are required to comply with this training before they interact with youth. 

Catechists & Support Staff Volunteers: are required to complete the following before the first meeting with youth.

  • Online Virtus (Safe Environment) Training - This training is required and must be completed by all NEW Catechists & Volunteers who have contact with youth under the age of 18. This training must be completed online training, PRIOR to volunteering. Please print the instructions then click this training link to complete the online session (takes about an hour). PLEASE NOTE: You will need an Access Code to begin the training. Please contact Tom Primmer for the Access Code.

  • Background Screening Application - All new Catechists & Support Staff Volunteers are required to successfully complete a Background Check PRIOR to regular contact with youth.

  • Renewal of Training & Background Check - All staff, catechists and volunteers are required to renew their training and background check every 5 years. An email will be sent to you from the national VIRTUS office.

For more information on Virtus Training or Background Screening process, please contact Tom Primmer.

Thank you for sharing your faith with the youth and families of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart!