AMOS (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy)

What is AMOS?  A Mid-Iowa Organizing strategy

AMOS is a non-partisan, grass roots community organization whose members are churches and nonprofit organizations.  In one-to-one conversations and small group meetings known as house meetings, we learn about the pressures, issues, and problems we face in our community. These issues are explored through in-depth research to develop possible solutions. AMOS then acts publicly, using the power of organized people to lead decision-makers to implement the best solution for all involved.  

Currently there are six member churches in Ankeny including OLIH, Ankeny First United Methodist Church, Ankeny Presbyterian Church, Ankeny United Church of Christ, Resurrection Lutheran, and St. Anne’s Episcopal. To learn more about this organization see

Meets:  The OLIH core team meets the 3rd Monday of the month, usually in Conference Room 10 at OLIH.  

Contact:  Jan Brown  515-964-5527 or  Sara Doruska

AMOS-OLIH Needs and Services Assessment of Ankeny 2017

 2022 Report on AMOS Accomplishments on Mental Health Services



Catholic Daughters of America

The mission of Catholic Daughters of the Americas is to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. It is open to any Catholic woman (18 years or older) interested in engaging in creative and spiritual programs to help women develop their God-given talents in meaningful ways to influence the welfare of the Church and all people.  Meets: 3rd Monday of the month (not in July, August or December) Meetings are 1½-2 hours.  Contact: Robin Misel  Learn more

Please note: due to the kitchen reconstruction, CDA meetings in Sep-Nov will take place at the Traditions Clubhouse, 2831 SW Westview Ln, Ankeny.


Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men (18 years and older) based on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The local Knights, Council 5038, serve others in the parish and beyond. For example, they raise money for individuals with developmental disabilities with their “Tootsie Roll Drive” in the fall, deliver beds to needy families in December and sponsor fish fry’s in Lent to support various organizations that ask for their help.  Meets: the first Monday of the month.  Contact: Chad Nelson, Grand Knight.  Learn more about the Knights of Columbus.  OLIH Knights of Columbus page    

LifeServe Blood Drive

Volunteers organize five blood drives per year at OLIH on Thursdays from 3:00-7:00 pm. Help is needed for set up, canteen and tear down. (Jul 16, Sep 26, Dec 5, 2019)  Contact: Daniel Ossian   979-5185  Learn more

Right to Life

Iowa Right to Life is the state’s largest pro-life organization. Its mission is to encompass within the protection of our laws all human life, born and unborn, at all stages of biological development from fertilization to natural death.

At OLIH we join with these efforts by sponsoring parish events, joining in the Life Chain, the March for Life and prayer vigils.  Learn more  Iowa Right to Life  and InnerVisions Health

Three Times In Modern History The Word "Person" Has Been Redefined:

1857: The U.S. Supreme Court declares that African Americans are not legal persons. They are the "property" of their owners.

1936: The German Supreme Court, the Reichsgericht, refuses to recognize Jews living in Germany as persons. Genocide becomes legal.

1973: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the unborn are not persons in the legal sense; they have no civil or human rights. The unborn are the "property" of the mother, who can "choose" to abort them up to the day of delivery."  (Justice Henry Blackmon in Roe v. Wade)

Contact: Jackie Carey

Prayer Shawl Ministry

If you have experienced a miscarriage or still birth recently and would like to receive a prayer shawl and be prayed over please contact the parish office. This is offered through the Respect Life Ministry. God Bless You!


Stephen Ministry

Members of our parish, 18 years and older, can become Stephen Ministers after receiving special training to provide one-on-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss and many other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers listen, care, encourage and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are facing a crisis or going through tough times. All care is free and confidential.  Meets: weekly with your care receiver, monthly ongoing supervision and continuing education.  Contact: Paul Arend

Monthly Prayer

Need Someone to PRAY for YOU or a LOVED ONE? Every weekend, Stephen Ministers will be leading a short prayer/blessing (5-10 minutes) immediately after all Masses for those who would like an extra prayer/blessing for themselves or someone they know.

Stop over by the southeast corner of the church for a quick prayer or blessing from one of our Stephen Ministers. All are welcome!

 What is a Stephen Minister?

  • A child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting

  • A congregation member with gifts for care-giving who was carefully selected to serve in this role.

  • A lay person who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care

  • A caring, Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports and encourages

  • someone who will "be there" for his or her care receiver, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week, for as long as there's a need.

Interested in becoming a Stephen Minister and want to learn more? Click here

If you are ready to say YES to continuing your discernment to become a Stephen Minister, you may fill out our online application, or download this form, fill it out and bring it to the parish office.  Your application will be reviewed and we will contact you in August to set-up an interview.

St Vincent de Paul

A parish-based group of Catholic laypersons interested in helping those most in need become self-sufficient by meeting their basic needs and helping them forward through education and personal development. Some of the funds provided are raised through sales at the St. Vincent de Paul stores at 1426 6th Avenue, and 520 Army Post Road in Des Moines.  Meets: the 4th Saturday of each month at 10:00 am, OLIH Room 9.  Contact: Bob Lickteig, 515/238-2462  Learn more National or Locally

The SVdP truck is available on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, 10:00 am-4:00 pm to receive donations.