Room Rental — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Room Rental

When not in use for parish functions, our parish hall and classrooms may be available for rent to parishioners. Contact the office, 515-964-3038 if you have any questions.

Because of the large number of sports teams in the Ankeny area, and the multitude of our own parish activities, regretfully, we can not make our facility available to sports teams. 

The parish hall is available for wedding receptions, anniversary parties, retirement parties, etc.  It can be walled off with just the Banquet Room and Kitchen or the Multi-Purpose Room (gym) and Kitchen or the entire area can be opened up into one large space.  Renters are responsible for all set up and clean up.

The Banquet Room and Kitchen Rental Rate is $210.00
Refundable cleaning deposit $100.00

The Multi-Purpose Room and Kitchen Rental Rate is $280.00
Refundable cleaning deposit $150.00

The Banquet Room, Multi-Purpose Room and Kitchen Rental Rate is $400.00
Refundable cleaning deposit $250.00

Beer, wine, wine coolers, or champagne may be served, but may not be sold.  No hard liquor is permitted. All events with over 50 attendees, occurring in the evening or serving any alcohol require the purchase of a $95 insurance policy (through OLIH).  Other events may also require this insurance, at the discretion of the parish office.

We also have classrooms available for meetings and small gatherings. 

For information on rentals, please call the Office at 515-964-3038 .