“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts.” Psalm 84

Liturgy is a communal celebration, involving each person who is present. When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, he called them to service, to serve one another. Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another.

Liturgical ministers place their special gifts and talents at the service of our faith community. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, each liturgical volunteer serves the Body of Christ at prayer. Take a look at how our parish family comes together to worship. How will you serve?

Ministry Schedules: Login for up-to-date, online scheduling

Questions? Contact our Director of Worship Laura Kutscher via email at or phone at 515-784-0128.

To Sign Up Online use your smartphone to scan the QR code below:

The Assembly

“The celebration of Mass is the action of Christ and the People of God – ministers and assembly. Within the one Body of Christ are many gifts and responsibilities. But just as each organ and limb is necessary for the sound functioning of the body, so every member of the liturgical assembly gathered by Christ has a part to play in the action of the whole… The participation of all is demanded by the nature of the liturgy and, for the faithful, is their right and duty by reason of their Baptism.”

--Pastoral Introduction to the Order of Mass, USCCB, #4.

Every time we gather at Mass, we are part of the primary ministry of all: the Assembly—the visible expression of the Body of Christ in the world. As an active member of the asssemby, we take our place and lend our heart and voice in singing, responding, listening, silence, our postures and our gestures.

To prepare to become part of the assembly each weekend, take a moment to read and reflect on the Daily Readings link found on the Mass page.

Do you feel moved to share your talents and gifts by serving the parish community at Mass? There is a place for you! Take a moment to look over the many liturgical ministries.

Training is provided and ministers are assigned using a software program that allows the individual to specify a variety of preferences for day and time.

If you are interested in serving in a liturgical role, please contact the Director of Worship, Laura Kutscher.

Music Ministers

Sing to the Lord with harp and song with trumpet and horn.” —Psalm 90

The music ministry at Our Lady’s exists first and foremost to glorify God. Our ministry is guided by the teachings of Christ, and the beautiful music and traditions of his Church. Our primary role is in the context of the liturgy through sung prayer. We strive for musical excellence, realizing that beauty can help us experience God in our midst.

 The benefits of sharing your musical gifts? You meet new people, strengthen lasting friendships, engage in a spiritual journey that connects spoken and sung prayer.

All are welcome. Contact Director of Worship, Laura Kutscher, to find how how you can become involved, 515-784-0128.

Resources for Music Ministers

  • Schedule: Login or see top of page

Cantor, Psalmist, Accompanist, Instrumentalist:

  • Vocal and instrumental musicians to support the singing assembly when choirs aren’t leading music as well as alongside them. These are auditioned positions and require above average skills in vocal and instrumental music technique as well as an ability to read music.

Adult Choirs

  • Magnificat Choir: The Magnificat is the main parish choir and is open to all--high school age and up. This group sings a variety of three and four-part music in classical to contemporary styles. This group rehearses on Tuesday evenings in the church from 7:00-8:30 pm and sings at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass and the major solemnities of the Church. Contact Laura Kutscher for more information.

  • Regina Coeli (Funeral Choir under the patronage of Mary, Queen of Heaven): The Funeral Choir assists our grieving families by providing music and support through sung prayer and spoken responses at the funeral liturgy. The choir is open to all men and women who are available during the day. This is a great opportunity for those in the home school community, retires, or work-from-home adults to come and support the parish community in a special way. The choir gathers to rehearse prior to the funeral and sings most hymns and songs in unison. Contact Laura Kutscher for more information.

  • Holy Week Choir: Open to any parishioner, this choir joins the Magnificat Choir and rehearses the seven Tuesdays before Easter. Sings Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and the Easter Vigil.

  • Celebration Choir: For information on the Celebration Choir, please contact Jackie Carey, 515-249-9066.


Youth & High School Choirs

  • Youth Choir: Grades 4-8

    Rehearses Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm

    A choir for Grades 4-8; rehearses for one hour every week on Wednesdays during the academic year and sings at a weekend Mass once per month. The youth choir also provides music for major holy days and feasts of the church. Contact Laura Kutscher for more information.

  • High School Choir: Grades 9-12

    Rehearses Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM

    Leads music one Mass per month plus the 7:30 p.m. Mass in the church on Christmas Eve.


Cross Bearers

The cross bearer leads the liturgical procession into the church for Mass. As the opening song begins, the cross bearer enters first, holding high the cross. Open to young men and women who can move steadily while carrying the processional cross or accompany another who is carrying the cross.

Hospitality Ministers

Hospitality Ministers serve as an outward sign of Christ’s hospitality by welcoming those coming to worship, assisting with seating, receiving the offerings, guide the faithful to receive Holy Communion, and address any emergencies that might arise. Adults and high school students are encouraged to volunteer for this ministry.

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs) assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion at Mass and may also participate as a homebound minister.

Extraordinary Ministers possess a deep faith in and love of the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood and carry out their ministry with the utmost reverence. EMs must be confirmed, practicing Catholics, in good standing with the Church.



Lectors are called to be an instrument of God’s Word through the proclamation of the Sacred Scriptures at Mass. Lectors give life to the printed words of Scripture and prepare the Word by reading the scriptures throughout the week. Lectors at weekend Masses proclaim both the first and second readings, as well as the Prayers of the Faithful. Daily Mass lectors proclaim the first reading and psalm.

Contact Laura Kutscher to find out more about this ministry

Altar Servers

Youth can become an altar server when they enter fourth grade. The altar server is a role model for all youth as they assist the priest at the altar during the Mass. This is an important role and one that is done with dignity and reverence. Altar Servers pay attention during Mass and are able to follow specific directions and functions as directed by the priest.

Master of Ceremonies is a skilled position for high school and college age volunteers to assist at Mass. This is a leadership role that requires learning the details and complexities of the rituals of the Mass. MC’s assist in directing the work of the altar servers.


Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

(8:30 am Mass): Assist children ages 3 to grade 3 as they hear and discuss the scripture readings of the day in language they understand. Adults and youth grade 6 and older are needed to assist the 20-30 children who attend! Contact Mary Sankey for more information at or 515/784-0133.

In addition to our regular Children's Liturgy of the Word, we have Children's bulletins available in the Gathering Space.

Art & Environment Committee

The church celebrates the liturgy in an environment filled with signs, symbols, and rituals that support our prayerful worship. The Art and Environment Ministry provides appropriate decorations for the church in keeping with the liturgical seasons and supporting the beauty of the liturgy.

Live-Streamers & Soundboard

Teams of Live-Streamers and Soundboard volunteers assist us with the technological support for our weekend and weekday liturgies. Our goal is to provide a prayerful and sacred experience of the Mass for those who are not able to attend in person. Full training is offered for this ministry. Adults and high school students are encouraged to volunteer for this ministry. Contact Tom Primmer for more information.


Sacristans work behind the scenes in preparing the church and sanctuary for Mass and other celebrations. Sacristans take care of the vessels and materials used at the liturgy as well as making sure everything is in its proper place. If you have an eye for detail and enjoy organizing things, being a sacristan can be a rewarding ministry role.

Petition Writers

Writers of the Prayer of the Faithful fulfill an important ministry for the parish. Through the petitions they write, they provide a voice for the community, “offering prayers to God for the salvation of all” (GIRM, #69). Individuals craft the petitions once every other month. Training is provided.

Altar Linens

Volunteers in this ministry wash and iron the linens used at Mass: purificators, corporals, towels. This is an essential ministry of the church. Volunteers are assigned according to their availability.