Registration — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart


Welcome to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart Faith Formation!

Sessions begin: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Faith Formation supports parents in forming themselves and their youth in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith. 

The Faith Formation Team (Staff, Catechists & Volunteers) partners with parents—who are the primary models of faith to their youth—to implement the six tasks of catechesis, which form adults and youth in:

  • Knowledge of the Catholic/Christian faith

  • Sacrament and Liturgical (worship) life of Church

  • Moral teaching and Conscious formation

  • Models & Practice of Prayer

  • Community Life 

  • Mission & Service Outreach to all

Our Lady’s Faith Formation process utilizes methods and materials which are approved by our Diocese, in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, are theologically sound, and educationally & developmentally age appropriate.

The following opportunities are offered to support youth and families:

  • Prekindergarten 3yr old - Kindergarten meet 2X a month (dates vary) during the 8:30 am Mass.

  • Elementary Grades 1-5 meet weekly, times offered are:

    • Tuesday (4:30-5:30 OR 5:45-6:45)

    • Wednesday (4:10-5:10)

  • Middle School Grades 6-8 meet weekly, times offered are:

    • Wednesday (5:30-6:30 OR 7:00-8:00)

  • High School Grades 9-12 meet 2X a month (dates vary)

    • Wednesday 8:15-9:15

    • Grade 9 meets at the Church

    • Grades 10-12 meet in Host/Group Leader homes throughout the community

Each group of youth consists of 8-12 youth and 2 adult leaders to create a small Christian community. This structure supports community life and our Safe Environment practices.

The number of adult group leaders and support volunteers determines the number of small groups we are able to offer, please prayerfully consider volunteering to be a small group leader or support volunteer.

Parents are expected to be role models of faith to their youth and agree to equally prioritize spiritual growth, as they do physical and intellectual growth. Parents are expected to be active participating members of the faith community through regular attendance at Mass, models of prayer in the home, engaged in the study of God's word and putting into action the Christian way of living.

It is also expected that families not "take a break" between significant preparation and celebration years when preparing youth to celebrate a Sacrament of Initiation (baptism, 1st communion & confirmation).


OLIH has a long history of serving one another through their time, talent and treasure. Each team member listed below holds a bachelor’s degree or post graduate degree and is required to continue growth in their own faith through regular continuing educational experiences in catechetical ministry. 

Like all households in our community, our team works very hard to keep expenses low, and the overall program budget has experienced a tightening over the last few years.

The parish community generously invests approximately $375 per youth (ages PreK-12th grade) * in forming them in the Catholic faith. This amount INCLUDES:

  • All administrative costs – including safe environment background checks

  • Program materials, workbooks, sacramentals, multi-media, textbooks, & curriculum

  • Hospitality

  • Volunteer appreciation

  • Staff salaries/benefits, & continuing education

  • Required diocesan and national church workshop connections

PLEASE PRAYERFULLY CONSIDER a contribution of ANY amount to help offset the parish investment in our youth. (Suggested amount per youth: $75, $125, $175) Truly any amount is appreciated. Thank you.

NO YOUTH OR FAMILY is ever turned away for reasons related to financial support.

Again, welcome and thank you for prioritizing lifelong faith formation in your family. For questions or assistance please contact any of the Faith Formation Team members below at 515-964-3038:

  • Tom Primmer, Director of Faith Formation: Confirmation (Gr. 9-10) & OCIC (RCIC) Gr. 3-12

  • Randy Henderson, Director of Youth Ministry: Gr. 6-12 & High School Formation Gr. 11-12

  • Abby Henderson, Middle School Faith Formation & Youth Ministry: Gr. 6-8

  • Jackie King, Elementary Faith Formation: Gr. 1-5

  • Mary Sankey, Early Childhood Faith Formation: Pre-K 3yr old to Kindergarten Special Needs Ministry (3yr old to Gr. 5)

*Based on 2023-2024 Enrollment and FY Budget

Helpful tips for Registration

  • To register youth, families agree to be partners with the Youth Faith Formation Ministry of OLIH and are expected to be models of faith through active participation in Mass and engaged in lifelong faith formation themselves.

  • If your family needs to register in the parish, please fill out and turn in this form.

  • Sacraments of Initiation Preparation (Baptism, Confirmation & 1st Eucharist): When preparing for a sacrament of initiation, regular and consistent attendance in Youth Faith Formation is expected the year prior to and the year that the sacrament is celebrated. Youth who are out of sequence in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation, please contact Tom Primmer to discuss any questions.

To Volunteer:


To Register Youth: