Welcome to Our Lady's Faith Formation &
Youth Ministry Program Grades 9 - 12
Youth in grades 9-12 meet every other Wednesday in small faith groups from 8:15-9:30 pm. Grade 9 meets at the parish and grades 10-12 meet in host homes with their small group adult mentors (catechists).
Youth Formation for grades 9-12 at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart is comprised of two parts:
High School Youth Ministry: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT many opportunities that Youth Ministry offers weekly, monthly and annually!
Come visit the youth room!
Every Wednesday, the youth room is open from 4pm-8pm for any youth grades 6-12. Refreshments are available for purchase! While our kitchen is in the midst of remodeling, we will not be selling pizza, but plenty of other snacks and drinks are available for just 50 cents. If you need a place to study, rest, talk, and enjoy…our parish family has provided this place for you! Come enjoy it!
Take 5 is an opportunity to gather for prayer in the youth room, every Wednesday of the program year. This prayer is brief and takes place at 6:45pm as youth are coming/going from their faith formation classes and/or youth choir. Come join us for this mid-week brief time of prayer.
G.L.U.E. (God, Life, the Universe, & Everything) with High School Youth Ministry meets opposite Wednesdays and invites 9-12th graders and their friends to grow in faith and community with guest speakers, specific topics chosen by high school youth, service opportunities, and more.
Students in Grades 9-10 prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Additional information regarding Confirmation can be found by clicking this link: Teen or by clicking the “Confirmation” link above.
Choirs for Youth
High School Choir: Grades 9-12
Rehearses Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM
Leads music one Mass per month plus the 7:30 p.m. Mass in the church on Christmas Eve. Please contact Laura Kutscher, Director of Worship, with interest.
Instrumentalists Woodwind, brass, and string players are encouraged to share their gifts in different capacities to enhance the musical experience during the liturgy. Intermediate and advanced level playing is required. Teens through adults are invited to contact the Director of Worship for more information.
If you have any questions regarding Youth Formation, please contact Tom Primmer, Director of Faith Formation or Randy Henderson, Director of Youth Ministry