Get Involved — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Get Involved

We come together at Eucharist to be fed and then we are sent forth to go out and live our faith in our daily lives. How you go out and serve the parish and others is based on your talents and gifts. Check out the stories in “Catholic Social Teaching” that share with you the work of some of our parishioners and how they are living out their call to make a difference.

Liturgical Ministries: The source and summit of our faith is the Eucharist!  This is where we are fed. Are you ready to become more intentional in your participation of the Mass?  As you look around you will see that there are many who take part in Mass from the greeters in the gathering space to the altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Leaders of Song, Readers, etc.  You’re already here for Mass each week – participating through one of the many ministries aids one in having a deeper experience and getting to know others in the ministry as well.

In-Parish Ministries: Looking to connect with others in the parish? You want to share some of the talents that you have been given? In-Parish Ministries is a great way to share talents and get to know others in our parish family!  Look in this area for things that we do here, or that help to benefit our parish in some way.  

Organizations (in and out of the parish): There are many organizations associated with OLIH.  These organizations do wonderful things both for our parish and for the community!  Consider joining an organization or joining in during events and fundraisers that they host!

Outreach (Ankeny and beyond): Jesus sends his disciples to “the end of the earth” which is where we all must go!  This area of ministry takes us beyond the borders of OLIH, beyond Ankeny, and beyond DSM! We are called to make an impact to the ends of the earth and we can!