Pre-kindergarten - Grade 5 — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Pre-kindergarten - Grade 5

Welcome to Our Lady's Faith Formation Program

Prekindergarten - Grade 5


PreK and Kindergarten

Students meet every other Sunday during the 8:30 am Mass.

Please contact Mary SankeyCoordinator for PK/K & Special Needs if you have questions/

Grades 1-5

Students in this age group meet on either

  • Tuesday (4:30-5:30pm or 5:45-6:45pm), or

  • Wednesday (4:10-5:10pm)

For information on what each grade covers during the year please click on the Parent tab for further details and description.

Jackie King, Coordinator for Grades 1-5
Tom Primmer, Director of Youth Faith Formation

Children’s Choir (Gr 1-3)

Contact Laura Kutscher, Director of Worship, for information. This choir will start at a later date.

Youth Choir (Gr 4-8)

Contact Laura Kutscher, Director of Worship, for information. rehearses for one hour every week on Wednesdays during the academic year and sings at a weekend Mass once per month. The Youth Choir also provides music for major holy days and feasts of the church.