Earth Day: Recycling
Watch the video with a representative from Metro Waste to hear about what can be recycled.
Revive, Refresh, Renew: Encountering Christ
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Our day was filled with many encounters with Christ - in the Word, in the Eucharist, and in every day life!
How and where have you encountered Christ?
Keynote Speaker: Sam Halligan
Encountering Christ in the Word:
Curt Carlson (begins minute 37)
Patty Mayer (begins minute 58)
Encountering Christ in the Eucharist:
Anna Schweers (begins minute 1:15)
Fr James Downey (begins minute 1:38)
Encountering Christ in Every Day Life:
Daryl Chicione, Travis Gavin, Kathryn Vortherms, and Nancy Breitkreutz (beings minute 1:46)
Revive, Refresh, Renew: A Night of Gratitude
November 10, 2020
Listen to a beautiful conversation between three couple, each in different phases of family life. Thank you to Stacy & Matt Halbach, Bethany & David Drendel, and Vicki & Greg Kolbinger for opening up your lives and sharing with us both the blessings and struggles of gratitude and all stages of life!
Looking for ways to increase your gratitude? Check out this resource:
Novena of Thanksgiving with St Terese and her “little way”.
Revive, Refresh, Renew: A Night with the Rondeaus
September 1, 2020
Rich and Kelly Rondeau along with their three adult children share their journey of surviving COVID 19. Below you see other avenues where the Rondeau’s have had the honor of sharing their story with so many.
More on their story:
Radio Spot with Bishop Joensen: Making it Personal with Bishop Joensen
Catholic Mirror Article: COVID-19 Survivor says near death experience deepened his relationship with Christ
Project Emmaus Blog post: Surviving COVID-19 becomes a gift to share