Youth Ministry In Person & Online — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Youth Ministry In Person & Online

Middle School Youth Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for 6th - 8th graders to come together.

Upcoming Events: 

Youth Monthly Gathering (gr. 6-12): October

Center Grove Orchard Sign Up - Cost is $15/person. Chaperones/Drivers needed!

Trick or Treating for Canned Goods Sign Up - Chaperones Needed!

Youth Room Open (gr. 6-12):  Wednesday evenings the youth room opens at 4:00-8:15 pm for grades 6-12.  Pop and chips are available for $.50/each.  Computers, foosball, comfy couches all available.  The gym is open 5:15-5:30pm & 6:30-7:00pm for open gym.  Come join us! (During Faith Formation classes week, September -April)

Christ’s Hands Service Outreach Retreat (grades 6-8) for Summer 2025

This 3 day local outreach program is an exciting opportunity for middle schoolers to engage in service and to grow in faith.  Youth will go to locally-based work-sites to volunteer their time and talents.  Cost is $85 (sponsorship's available).  Learn more FAQs  Learn more FAQs 


Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours.
ours are the eyes
With which he looks compassion on this world.
ours are the feet with which He walks to do good.
Yours are the hands with which he blessed all the world. 

~St. Teresa of Avila

Summer Service Opportunity

Young Adults (21+) are invited to join us for the three days of Christ’s Hands outreach retreat as a chaperone. It’s a paid position to help coordinate and lead the middle school youth.  Contact Abby Henderson if interested.