Parish Community

Click on the links below for more information.

Knights of Columbus
The Msgr. J.M. Hanson Council 5038 Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization that supports the parishes of OLIH, Saint Luke the Evangelist, and Saint Mary’s-Holy Cross along with the community as a whole.

For more information, please contact us:

Catholic Daughters
Catholic Daughters is one of the oldest and largest of the Catholic women organizations. The motto is “Unity and Charity”. There are over 95,000 due-paying members and over 1400 courts or local chapters. All courts are involved in parish work and donate to charities and scholarships. The organization is particularly concerned with issues the modern church and society face and specifically issues concerning the well-being of women and children.

St. Vincent DePaul Society
An international association of Catholic laymen engaging systematically in personal service of the poor

OLIH Foundation
Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Parish Foundation is a permanent Endowment Fund. The purpose of the foundation is to establish permanent long term funding, of which only the interest income will be used for various spiritual or physical needs of the parish. The principal could be used only for a parish emergency or disaster.