Catholic Daughters — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Catholic Daughters

Catholic Daughters is one of the oldest and largest of the Catholic women organizations. The motto is “Unity and Charity”. There are over 95,000 due-paying members and over 1400 courts or local chapters. All courts are involved in parish work and donate to charities and scholarships. The organization is particularly concerned with issues the modern church and society face and specifically issues concerning the well-being of women and children.

The Bishop Daly Court at Our Lady’s has over 80 members. It meets monthly from August through June. The meetings consist of prayer, business, programs that educate and/or entertain and fellowship. Money is raised through dues, donations and bake and plant sales. These funds go to help support a seminarian, missions, a scholarship for an OLIH senior and other charitable organizations within the community and nationwide.

Bev Whitlatch is the parish contact for Catholic Daughters.