Parent Information
Parent Handbook
Faith Formation Calendar
At OLIH we strive to offer a thorough, supplemental education to what is being taught inside the student’s home. We believe that the home is the Domestic Church - the first and foremost teacher of the faith. We offer parents and guardians the tools they need to successfully help their child develop a strong Catholic faith.
We are proud to offer a Special Needs Program for those students that benefit more so in an inclusive classroom setting where lessons can be better altered to help them learn. The program is based off of a sequence of years, and not by age or grade level they may be in school. Students can stay in the program longer if it feels necessary to repeat topics to better help them grasp the concepts. They can stay in Religious Education until they turn 18 years old.
Each year there is an overarching topic or goal. We focus on the topic throughout the lessons in addition to reviewing concepts previously taught. We also have prayer goals each year that students are encouraged to learn in however they are capable be that through verbal, sign language, PECs, using technology devices, etc. Receiving the sacraments are laid out within the sequence but can be moved if needed.
We utilize many different teaching methods. Our main curriculum comes from Loyola Press’ Finding God series that is written with students with Special Needs in mind. To better help us make additional accommodations, we ask to meet with each student’s parent or guardian at the beginning of the year to go over an Individual Religious Education Plan (IREP).
Please consider ways you can help this year:
teaching a class
helping with class
supervising hallways during classes
being a nursery supervisor
helping int he office
supervising the parking lot
being a Prayer Angel
help on special projects.