Our Classes — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Our Classes

Our Classes

3 year olds:

We offer two options for children who turn 3 by Sept. 15 of the year enrollment is desired: A two day session which meets from 8:30 – 11 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings or a three day session which meets from 8:30 – 11 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.

4 year olds:

There are two options as well for the child who turns 4 by Sept. 15 of the year enrollment is desired: a 3 day session which meets Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:00 – 2:30 pm or a 5 day session which meets Monday through Friday from 8:30 – 11 am.

*Transitional Kindergarten (T-K)
This program has been created for the child who has turned five and has chosen not to attend kindergarten or whose birthday falls just after September 15. We therefore look at each position for T-K individually. Generally, the child will be five before or in the fall of 2024.

*T-K (formerly referred to as Pre-K)**PreKindergarten:**

*All children must be completely toilet trained prior to attendance. *


Two Day
3 year old class $145/month

Three Day
3 year old class $170/month
4 year old class afternoons $170/month

Five Day
4 year old class $220/month
T-K class $220/month

*Tuition is discounted for multiple siblings; tuition assistance is available for those in need. Please contact Kathy with questions.