Patty Mayer — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Meet the Staff

Patty Mayer

Patty Mayer

Adult Faith Formation Director

Patty Mayer serves the OLIH community as the Director of Adult Faith Formation, Coordinator of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, aka Becoming Catholic), and a Spiritual Director (do not have to be a parishioner to request Spiritual Direction).

In 2015, Patty moved to Ankeny and started her ministry as Director of Adult Faith at OLIH. Her greatest passion in life is walking with others on their faith journey and bringing them closer to Jesus. Patty coordinates with many people in the parish to be able to offer a variety of studies, faith sharing, workshops, and retreat experiences – the work of ministry takes many hands! Whether you are an adult new to faith and seeking to join the Catholic church, or a mature Catholic Christian looking for ways to continue to grow your faith, Patty is here to help you discern God’s call for you and where you may find what you need to answer that call.

You may find Patty leading music at Mass, praying in the St Michael’s chapel, or reading in Mary’s Place. Patty loves her ministry at OLIH, but her heart is very Ignatian, so you will also find her participating in, or helping with, ministry opportunities at Emmaus House in Urbandale where she also serves as a board member.

Patty holds a BA in Psychology, a MA in Pastoral Ministry, and a Spiritual Direction Certification.

Her professional life began as a counselor in a residential treatment facility for juvenile delinquents. After 12 years she began to feel that this was no longer where God was calling her. She went through significant discernment and found herself leaving counseling, and her community, to serve the Catholic Church in Marshalltown, IA. She spent nine years in Marshalltown as Director of Religious Education, the first six years were at St Henry Parish, and the final three were at both parishes in town. It was during her final 16 months in Marshalltown she knew God was again preparing her to move, she spent much time in prayer and discernment to hear God calling her to ministry here at OLIH.   

Patty’s ‘office hours’ are not consistent. She generally works Monday through Friday, with many evening and weekend events. The best way to reach Patty is via email (click on Patty) or by calling the main office at 964-3038.