Abby Henderson — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Meet the Staff

Abby Henderson

Abby Henderson

Faith Formation Coordinator, Grades 6-8

Abby has been ministering to middle schoolers, high schoolers, and parents here at Our Lady’s since 2010.  Prior to that she served as the Coor. Of Youth Minister for St. John the Baptist Parish in Waunkee, WI.  She has been a presenter at diocesan youth conferences, catechist trainings, and small adult faith sharing groups.  While she loves youth and parent ministry as a whole, middle school youth hold a special place in her heart.  Abby, her husband, Randy (Dir. of Youth Ministry), and their five children love the Ankeny area and are surrounded by family and friends. 

Abby grew up in Decorah (northeast Iowa) and came to Ankeny via Madison, Wisconsin.  She is an Assistant Director of Faith Formation (ADFF) and a Youth Ministry Coordinator, both for grades 6-8.

As ADFF, Abby provides curriculum, training and support to more than 60 catechists and volunteers forming our middle school students.  The curriculum covers:

  • 6th Grade: Old Testament ties to the New Covenant with Jesus

  • 7th Grade: Theology of the Body, Liturgy, and Prayer

  • 8th Grade: Creed/What We Believe and Social Justice (Corporal Works of Mercy)

Highlights for the students include 6th grade Sedar Meals, 7th grade cupcake rosary and 8th grade egg casseroles for the Salvation Army Canteen. 

As Middle School Ministry Coordinator she directs a monthly youth group for grades 6-8 and a summer local outreach retreat called Christ’s Hands.  She also helps plan and host parish-wide events throughout the year. 

Abby is in the office on Monday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm; Tuesdays, 9:00 am-2:45 pm; and Wednesdays,11:00 am-9:00 pm; and Thursday mornings. You can reach Abby at