Ty Barten — Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Meet the Pastoral Council

Ty Barten

Ty Barten

My family and I have been members at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart since we moved to Iowa in 2008.  My wife, Tina, and I have two daughters (Riegan & Ava) and a son (Jackson).  

In addition to serving on Parish Council, I am a 3rd degree Knight and my wife and I are Eucharistic ministers.  The kids enjoy participating in the youth ministry activities and it has been fun to watch them grow from altar servers to now helping at Vacation Bible School, the rummage sale and other activities.  I am relatively new to the Church as I grew up going to a small country UCC parish, but once we joined OLIH I decided it was time to further explore my faith and joined the RCIA program.  

Everyone has their own faith journey and each of us has so much to offer in our own way, if we but only put our faith and trust in the Lord. Our Lady’s is a special place with so many great ways to help those in need, or join others learning and exploring our faith. If I or any other the other council members can ever do anything to help make your own journey better please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

Contact Ty Barten