5th Sunday of Lent reflection by Deacon Pat Davitt John 12:20-33 In this section of John’s Gospel, John is outlining that Jesus’ public ministry is concluding. Jesus will soon be on his way to the Hebrew Feast of Passover. His suffering, death on the cross, but with his resurrection will be his final act of teaching and ministry.

His suffering can teach us how to cope with our own suffering. His death can be a support for those who face their own death, as well as those who join them on that journey. His resurrection gives us hope that there is so much more that God has prepared for us.

In this gospel, (verse 24) Jesus states that only when a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, is when it produces much fruit. What have we died to this Lent?

Has our faith been challenged this Lent? Have we spent more or some time in prayer? Have we participated in any of the various opportunities that have been offered by OLIH? We cannot make up for what we promised to do, but we can take comfort in what we have done to prepare.

We are, as can be said, on the final lap to Holy Week and Easter.

Perhaps we can renew our commitment to what Jesus said that are the two greatest commandments: to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole mind and our neighbor as ourself.

Have a blessed week. And, by the way....Happy Saint Patricks Day