from Deacon Jeff Boehlert

 Here are this Sunday’s readings.

            Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for faith and believe in God’s love and forgiveness.


For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life…God did not send his Son into the world to condemn…but that the world might be saved”. John 3:16

            Do you recall the first time you saw a sign or poster depicting “John 3:16”? It was likely on a sporting event on national TV. It started a fad we continue to see even today in 2024.

 [For all you ‘old folks’ like me…remember the tall guy with large rainbow color hair holding the sign “John 3:16” in the stadium seats or sneaking into the background on camera at a golf event?]  Early 1970’s….

 When you saw that sign did it cause you to open your bible to search the scripture reference?

 It’s a core Gospel message that is a great reminder during Lent that God truly does love each one of us so much that the sent is His only Son, Jesus, to save us from ourselves.

 In today’s busy, chaotic, and sometime polarizing world it can be easy to feel uncertain. Maybe you’ve asked yourself “What IS going on with world issues, weather, politics, the economy, healthcare, the legal system, or even the church?”

 Maybe you’ve experienced a family crisis with a spouse, a child, or elderly parents. Maybe your job is driving you nuts. Or you’ve felt separated from others in some manner, either by choice or circumstances beyond your control.

 All these situations can lead us to question our relationships, even with God when we’re frustrated or mired in anger, hurt, or confused. 

 And we all know any relationship requires a commitment to “P.A.T.” ----PATIENCE, ATTENTION & TIME.

 P.A.T. to listen. To forgive. To be forgiven.

 Have you “hungered” or “thirsted” for God this Lent? Have you challenged yourself to change something. Fasted from something? Tried to put more trust in God? Surrendered yourself to Jesus? [that last one is a big one for us Type A personalities]

 Even though we are well into Lent it’s never too late to change.

 Today’s Gospel reminds us that no matter where we are in our journey of life and faith, God is eager to meet us. To welcome us. To listen. To forgive. To heal. To comfort. To strengthen and support us in ways we may not even know we need, or have been afraid to ask for.

 SO…you have a choice. Continue to repeat the ‘same old-same old’ and expect a different result… [which is sometimes referred to as a definition of insanity!]  OR…. You can open your heart and mind and ask God to help you with any challenge you face.

 What will your choice be?

 I am confident that if you trust God, surrender yourself to Him and allow His grace to surround and encompass your life today, you will experience Easter Sunday in ways you’ve never imagined possible.

 Why am I so confident and you should be also?

 Read today’s Gospel carefully again. As often as needed. Especially when you have doubts. Take God at His word. He has a plan for each of us. Take it to your heart. He will take care of the rest.