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Called and Gifted

From: Tuesday, February 27 7:00 PM
To: Tuesday, March 26 9:00 PM

Called and Gifted

When: Tuesdays Feb 27, March 5, 19, 26, and April 2; 7-9pm
Where: 7-9pm Conference Room
Cost: $45.00 (includes online assessment you will take, 6 month access to videos, and any written materials from the Catherine of Siena Institute)
Facilitators: Kayla Boyle, Cindy Clefisch. Mary Reichter, Katie Sample
Registration: CLICK HERE

Each one of us is uniquely gifted to live the life God calls us to. Knowing your giftedness means knowing even better how and where to say YES! It is when we say YES to living our lives through our spiritual gifts (charisms) that we can really set the world on fire!

Called and Gifted